TIME Magazine writes that Ranked Choice Voting delivered promising results in the recent New York City primaries. The nation’s largest city has historically been governed by candidates who did not receive a majority of the vote. The use of RCV has solved that problem by ensuring that the prevailing candidate is more representative of the will of the voters. 

Additionally, voters in New York City have reported that they want to continue using RCV for future elections and have a good understanding of the system. As RCV has been adopted in New Mexico cities, election officials and advocates have dedicated considerable time and resources to public education so that voters are able to successfully cast their ballots under the new system.

While the NYC election was plagued by administrative problems and delays, cities in New Mexico using RCV have not experienced similar issues. Because of the procedures and safeguards used in New Mexico, we can generate timely results and ensure the integrity of the election through our use of paper ballots and automatic audits. 

Read more about the NYC RCV primary election from TIME.